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  • 20.12.2024 16:36:51
Holland Colours (HOLCO.AS, Amsterdam Stock Exchange)
Závěr k 20.12.2024 Změna (%) Změna (EUR) Objem obchodů (EUR)
92,00 1,66 1,50 41 250
R - Real-Time data si mohou aktivovat klienti Patria Plus / Investor Plus ZDE.

  • Poslední aktualizace: 21.12.2024
Popis společnosti
Obecné informace
Název společnostiHolland Colours NV
Kmenové akcie:Ordinary Shares
Kmenové akcie:Preference Shares
Poslední známé roční výsledky31.03.2024
Poslední známé čtvrtletní výsledky30.09.2024
Počet zaměstnanců k 30.09.2024 394
Akcie v oběhu k 30.09.2024 860 352
Kontaktní informace
UliceHalvemaanweg 1
PSČ7323 RW
Kontatní osobaGerda Jansen
Funkce kontaktní osobyIR Contact Officer
Telefon31 553 680 700

Business Summary: Holland Colours NV is a manufacturer and supplier of pigments, granulates and pastes based in the Netherlands. The Company is engaged in the production of concentrates for coloring plastics, available in both solid and liquid form and applicable for various types of plastic materials, particularly for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). It concentrates focuses on three markets: Building & Construction, comprising colorants for pipes, fittings, cladding, siding, window profiles, roofing materials and fences; Plastic Packaging, including color preparations for PET packaging of food and drink, cosmetics and personal care products; and Silicones & Elastomers, including colorants for sealants and silicone rubber products. The Company is organized in three regional divisions: Europe (including the Middle East, India and Africa), the Americas, and Asia. It operates production sites in the Netherlands, Hungary, the United States and Indonesia.
Financial Summary: BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 September 2024, Holland Colours NV revenues increased 9% to EUR56.8M. Net income increased 54% to EUR3.5M. Revenues reflect Europe segment increase of 11% to EUR30.4M, America segment increase of 13% to EUR21.9M, Europe (Region) segment increase of 11% to EUR30.4M, Americas segment increase of 13% to EUR21.9M. Net income benefited from America segment income increase from EUR863K to EUR2.2M.
Odvětvová klasifikace
TRBC2009Chemicals - Specialty
TRBC2012Coloring Agents
RBSS2004Chemicals - Specialty
MGINDUSTRYChemical Manufacturing
MGSECTORBasic Materials
NAICSSynthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing
NAICSPaint and Coating Manufacturing
NAICS2007Synthetic Organic Dye & Pigment Mfg
NAICS2007Paint and Coating Manufacturing
NAICS1997Organic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing
NAICS1997Paint and Coating Manufacturing
SICIndust'L Inorganic Chemicals, Nec
SICPaints And Allied Products

  • Poslední aktualizace: 21.12.2024
Management společnosti
FunkceJménoVěkVe funkci odVe firmě od
Chairman of the Supervisory BoardJeanine Van Der Vlist-13.07.202313.07.2023
Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management BoardCoen Vinke5912.07.201812.07.2018
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory BoardGert-Hein de Heer5812.07.2018
Chief Financial OfficerMartijn Klomp-01.02.202501.02.2025
Chief Technology Officer, Member of the Management BoardEelco van Hamersveld5312.07.201812.07.2018