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Mercedes-Benz Group AG59,6859,69-1,29
14.03.2025 1:04:00
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  • 13.03.2025
Geo Group REIT (Frankfurt)
Závěr k 13.3.2025 Změna (%) Změna (EUR) Objem obchodů (EUR)
23,20 -2,23 -0,53 9 702
R - Real-Time data si mohou aktivovat klienti Patria Plus / Investor Plus ZDE.

  • Poslední aktualizace: 14.03.2025
Popis společnosti
Obecné informace
Název společnostiGeo Group Inc
Kmenové akcie:Ordinary Shares
Poslední známé roční výsledky31.12.2024
Poslední známé čtvrtletní výsledky31.12.2024
Počet zaměstnanců k 31.12.2024 16 500
Akcie v oběhu k 24.02.2025 140 379 419
Konstituent indexůS&P 600 Small Cap
Kontaktní informace
Ulice4955 Technology Way
ZeměUnited States
Kontatní osoba 
Funkce kontaktní osoby 
Telefon15 618 930 101

Business Summary: The GEO Group, Inc. is a diversified government service provider. The Company specializes in design, financing, development, and support services for secure facilities, processing centers, and community reentry centers in the United States, Australia, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. The Company’s U.S. Secure Services segment primarily encompasses the United Sates-based secure services business. Its Electronic Monitoring and Supervision Services segment represents technology and services provided to adults for monitoring services for community-based parolees, probationers, and pretrial defendants. Its Reentry Services segment represents evidence-based supervision and treatment programs provided to adults for residential and non-residential treatment, educational and community-based programs, pre-release and half-way house programs. Its International Services segment primarily consists of secure services operations in South Africa and Australia.
Financial Summary: BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2024, Geo Group Inc revenues increased less than 1% to $2.42B. Net income applicable to common stockholders decreased 66% to $29.9M. Revenues reflect US Secure Services segment increase of 6% to $1.6B, International Services segment increase of 8% to $208.9M, Reentry services segment increase of 1% to $277.6M, Australia segment increase of 7% to $190.9M, South Africa segment increase of 12% to $18.1M.
Odvětvová klasifikace
TRBC2009Business Support - Services
TRBC2012Real Estate Rental, Development & Operations (NEC)
RBSS2004Commercial Services & Supplies
MGINDUSTRYReal Estate Operations
NAICSLessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses)
NAICSFacilities Support Services
NAICSCorrectional Institutions
NAICSResidential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities
NAICSCommercial and Institutional Building Construction
NAICS2007Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses)
NAICS1997Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses)
SICReal Estate Investment Trusts
SICNonresidential Building Operators
SICFacilities Support Services
SICCorrectional Institutions
SICResidential Care
SICNonresidential Construction, Nec

  • Poslední aktualizace: 14.03.2025
Management společnosti
FunkceJménoVěkVe funkci odVe firmě od
Executive Chairman of the BoardGeorge Zoley7430.06.2021
President, Chief Operating OfficerWayne Calabrese7301.01.2024
Chief Executive OfficerJ. David Donahue6501.01.2025
Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice PresidentMark Suchinski5708.07.202408.07.2024
Executive Vice President - Finance, TreasurerShayn March5808.07.2024
Executive Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer, ControllerRonald Brack62
Senior Vice President - Legal Services, General Counsel, Corporate SecretaryJoe Negron6201.01.2019
Senior Vice President - Human ResourcesChristopher Ryan6101.01.2023
Senior Vice President - Client RelationsMatthew Albence5401.02.202301.02.2023
Senior Vice President, President - Secure ServicesPaul Laird-01.01.202501.01.2025